
My unfolding journey with materials can hopefully, through the diversity of the making stages, reveal 'visual stuff' which can form psychological bonds with an audience...also leaving visual traces of the human experience is integral to my own motivation. My intention is to continually create autobiographical explorations through mixed media processes and digital evidence. This encompasses internal and external influences eg revealing ?inner worlds? through the context of experiencing environment.

For the audience, creativity is here represented as primarily an invitation to consider and reconsider human experience and environment through the imaging of the artist in conjunction with their own imaginative journeying.

The subconscious elements that appear significant in the images, which might have otherwise been ?lost? to the creator...are significances revealed through the process of working with materials and connect to the perceived mystery in being.

Sensing Place

Responding to the
Ayrshire coast between
beach and cliff face
and the... read more >

Arising from the
challenge of a car
journey 'getting from

A to B' more >
How white becomes
the shaping force to delineate human and plant.. read more >
For me, 'Tray' reveals the therapeutic nature
of playing with water, found objects...
read more >


The sense of horizontality and lying down emerges as the drawing progresses more>

Flowing Through and Away 
The rhizomatic nature of the exhibited works is similar to the pathways of plants more>
Image content of this website � Alan Paterson. All rights reserve